Charts 4 PHP - How-To Guides

HTML5 powered PHP Charts for Web and Mobile devices

Creating a Error Bar chart on Bar chart using PHP

Error bars are graphical representations of the variability of data and used on graphs to indicate the error or uncertainty in a reported measurement. Its really easy to make Error bars graphical representation in chartphp. Step 1: Include Charts 4 PHP Library...

Connecting Google Sheets with Charts 4 PHP framework

This article will show you how to connect Google Sheets with Charts 4 PHP framework Step 1: Give permission to access Google Spreadsheet Before proceeding to next step make sure that your google sheet have permission to view : Goto your My Driver folder and right...

Creating a Pie Chart using PHP

This article will show how to create a simple pie chart using Charts 4 PHP Framework. Step 1: Include Charts 4 PHP Library include("../../lib/inc/chartphp_dist.php"); $p = new chartphp(); Step 2: Configure Data array $p->data = array(array( array('Heavy Industry',...

Creating a Donut Chart using PHP

This article will show how to create a simple donut chart using Charts 4 PHP Framework. Step 1: Include Charts 4 PHP Library include("../../lib/inc/chartphp_dist.php"); $p = new chartphp(); Step 2: Configure Data array $p->data = array(array( array('Mango',6),...

Creating a Bar Chart using PHP

This article will show how to create a simple bar chart using Charts 4 PHP Framework. Step 1: Include Charts 4 PHP Library include("../../lib/inc/chartphp_dist.php"); $p = new chartphp(); Step 2: Configure Data array $p->data = array( array( array("2010/12",48.25),...

Creating an Area Chart using PHP

This article will show how to create a simple area chart using Charts 4 PHP Framework. Step 1: Include Charts 4 PHP Library include("../../lib/inc/chartphp_dist.php"); $p = new chartphp(); Step 2: Configure Data array $p->data = array( array( array("Jan",348.25),...

Creating a Line Chart using PHP

This article will show how to create a simple line chart using Charts 4 PHP Framework. Step 1: Include Charts 4 PHP Library include("../../lib/inc/chartphp_dist.php"); $p = new chartphp(); Step 2: Configure Data array $p->data = array( array( array("Jan",48.25),...

Creating a Line Chart using mySQL in PHP

This article will show how to create a mySQL driven line chart using Charts 4 PHP Framework. Step 1: Configure Database connectivity in config.php define("CHARTPHP_DBTYPE","pdo"); define("CHARTPHP_DBHOST","mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb");...

Creating a Bar Chart using mySQL in PHP

This article will show how to create a mySQL driven bar chart using Charts 4 PHP Framework. Step 1: Configure Database connectivity in config.php define("CHARTPHP_DBTYPE","pdo"); define("CHARTPHP_DBHOST","mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb");...

Creating Dashboard with Charts 4 PHP

This article will show how to create a dashboard using Charts 4 PHP Framework with or without database (mySQL, Oracle, PDO etc.) at back end. I. Creating first chart in Dashboard Step 1: Configure Database connectivity in config.php define("CHARTPHP_DBTYPE","pdo");...

Creating a Funnel Chart using PHP

This article will show how to create a simple funnel chart using Charts 4 PHP Framework. Step 1: Include Charts 4 PHP Library include("../../lib/inc/chartphp_dist.php"); $p = new chartphp(); Step 2: Configure Data array along with Intervals array $p->data =...

Creating a Meter Chart using PHP

This article will show how to create a simple meter chart using Charts 4 PHP Framework. Step 1: Include Charts 4 PHP Library include("../../lib/inc/chartphp_dist.php"); $p = new chartphp(); Step 2: Configure Data array along with Intervals array $p->data =...